A/S 서비스

에어러블 벨트는 재사용이 가능합니다.

VAXCON의 에어러블 벨트는

본사 직영 A/S센터를 운영하고 있습니다.

제품 자체 결함에 대해서 구매일로부터 1년까지

무상 A/S를 제공하고 있습니다.

카카오톡 채널 추가 시

A/S 과정 확인 가능

A/S 처리 과정


After-sales service

Airable Belt is not disposable.

It is reusable.

Our headquarters operates a repair center for Airable Belts, offering a one-year warranty for any failures during use.

VAXCON is committed to maintaining trust with our customers through excellent quality control service.

  Do you have a question?      Contact      Email : export@vaxcon.com

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to monitor the after-sales service process efficiently

After-sale Service Process

Special Contract for Replacement Products (Optional)

For subscribers to this special agreement, we offer replacement products to prevent additional fall accidents during the after-sales service processing period.

(Replacement Products must be returned after receipt of the repaired product)

Instructions for Subscribing

to Special Contract for Replacement Products

This is a paid service with monthly payments and is “optional”.

Subscription Terms for the Special Contract for Replacement Products.

1. A one-time payment of 20,000 won (optional).

2. A monthly payment of 25,000 won per month (optional).

Benefits of Special Contract for Replacement Products Subscription

1. You will receive a temporary replacement product during the after-sales service processing period.

2. During the contract term, the cost of repairing personnel from the after-sales service will be covered at no charge.

*No additional charges will be incurred when entering into this agreement, paid services are optional.

After-sales Service Process for Subscriber of Special Contract for Replacement Products

Additional information

1. Airable Belt products come with a one-year (12 months) service warranty.

2. Even within the warranty period, damage, loss, water damage, and consumables caused by consumer negligence may incur repair and additional shipping costs.

3. After the warranty period, after-sales service due to product failure is possible. (Consumer's responsibility for parts & repair costs)

4. Products after completion of repair service will be sent by shipping courier. If the product is returned and reshipped due to the absence of the recipient, additional shipping costs are borne by the consumer.

5. Free-of-charge repairs are not available but repaired products will be shipped to you within 3 weeks by shipping courier.

6. For repair items, we will inform you of the repair cost and ship the product to your home after payment is completed.

7. If you do not receive the product within 3 months after completion of repair service, it will be discarded.

Customer Registration Mandatory Notice

We collect personal information to provide you with smooth customer consultation and personalized service.

The collected information will only be used for product quality control and after-sales customized service provision.

For more information, please see the Privacy Policy at the bottom of our homepage.

Purchase of product

Please buy the product.

Sending an agreement form

The headquarter will send the contract via KakaoTalk or email.

Filling out a Contract

Please fill out the contract and send it to our head office. 

(Inquiry number: 1566-1984)

Checking the Agreement

Please check the sent contract.a

Delivery of products

We start shipping the product.

Contact to confirm Receipt Confirmation

We will contact you to confirm receipt of the agreement and product.

대체품 지급 특약(선택)

제품의 A/S 처리 기간 중 혹시 모를 추가

낙상에 대비 하고자 일시적으로 대체품을 제공하는 서비스입니다.

(수리된 제품 수령 후 필수 반납)

대체품 지급 특약

가입 안내(선택 사항)

* 가입 조건

 20만원의 특약 가입비 발생(소모성)

 월 25,000원의 매월 납입 결제

* 가입 혜택

 A/S 처리 기간 중 대체품 지급(일시적)

 A/S 서비스 중 인건비 부문 무상 처리

본 계약 체결 시 추가 요금은 발생하지 않으며,

대체품 지급 특약은 유료 서비스로 선택 사항입니다.

대체품 지급 특약 가입자

A/S 처리 과정

고객 등록 의무화 안내

* 본사는 원활한 고객 상담 및 고객 맞춤형 서비스

제공을 위해 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.

* 수집된 정보는 제품 품질 관리, A/S 맞춤형 서비스 제공 이외의 용도로는 사용되지 않습니다.

* 자세한 사항은 홈페이지 하단 개인정보처리방침에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


CEO Kyungchul Bae ㅣ Business Number 131-81-7850 

Seoul Office IS Biz Tower 23F 09, 26, Yangpyeong-ro, 21-gil, Yeoungdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of korea

Incheon Factory 150 Seunggicheon-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Head-quarter  2511, Sejong-ro, Jochiwon-eup, Sejong-si, Republic of Korea

Tel  +82-2-6294-3106 ㅣ Fax +82-2-6294-3101

E-mail export@vaxcon.com

In the case of unauthorized reproduction and distribution of the materials on this site, legal action may be taken under Article 97 of the Copyright Act. 

@ Copyright BNR co.,ltd. All rights reserved.

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Seoul Office No.2309, ISBiz Tower, 26, Yangpyeong-ro 21-gil

Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul (07207)

Tel 02-6294-3100 ㅣ Fax 02-6294-3101 ㅣ E-mail export@vaxcon.com

Incheon Plant 150, Seunggicheon-ro, Incheon (21695)

TEL +82-32-812-5633 l  Fax +82-32-812-5634

본 사이트의 자료들을 무단복제 및 배포하는 경우에는 저작권법 제97조의 지적재산권침해죄에

의거하여 법적조치에 취해질 수 있습니다. 

@Copyright BNR co.,ltd. All rights reserved. Hosted by Imweb