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Why do we need products that prevent falls??

The frequency of falls and risk of re-falls increases with age.

According to the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 42% of people over 65 years old were diagnosed with “sarcopenia.”

The likelihood of experiencing a fall incidence may increase due to decreased muscle mass while walking, and more people aged 65 years and above are hospitalized for falls.

In 2017, the average number of falls per year was 2.1, and elders who had previously experienced falls were 3.2 times more likely to fall again than those who had never fallen.

Women have an increased risk of osteoporosis after menopause.

Women are more likely than men to develop osteoporosis because of estrogen deficiency due to menopause.

The female hormone, estrogen maintains a balance between the cells responsible for bone production and destruction. When estrogen levels are low, bone loss progresses rapidly, and the risk of osteoporosis increases.

Consequences of a fall among the elderly population

  • • The heart is overloaded with more blood returning to the heart → Atrial rate becomes faster and heart failure occurs.

    • Excessive fluid in the torso prevents breathing muscle stimulation. Coughing forcefully → Difficulty expelling phlegm → Pneumonia

    • Inability to lie on the bed and then turn over → Skin bedsores, inflammation, and infection

    • Inability to excrete water → Bladder stones and urinary tract infections

    • All four of them occurred rapidly and half of the elderly patients die of sepsis within two months.

Treatment and care costs for falls

Over 60% of elderly patients with fractures have difficulty walking. 

The cost of inpatient/outpatient treatment for femoral neck fractures is steadily increasing and is projected to reach 5.96 million won by 2024 (approximately 9.3% rise).

This can cause conflicts among family members by putting a burden on the family economy. in nursing facilities, patients are strapped into body restraints for safety due to the high probability of recurrence.

The sequelae of a fall causing a loss of independence

Falls are particularly fatal among the elderly because they are highly likely to cause sequelae such as pneumonia, urinary colic, heart attack due to blood clots, and urinary tract infections.

These sequelae can cause a loss of independence in life, resulting in a dependent life pattern that requires others’ help.

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